
East of the Sun- West of the Moon

East of the Sun- West of the Moon
oil on canvas
14 x 30”
In Private Collection

In Private Collection

The Indians in the Woods
by Janet Lewis

reading by Catherine Hinton

Ah, the woods, the woods
Where small things
Are distinct and visible,

The berry plant,
The berry leaf, remembered
Line for line

There are three figures
Walking in the woods
Whose feet press down
Needle and leaf and vine.

The Wife of Manibozho Sings
by Janet Lewis

reading by Catherine Hinton

He comes and goes;
There is no rest
While he is here
Or gone.

I cannot say
That his feet have pressed
The leaves
He was standing on.

He comes and goes
And the maple leaves
Lie still
Under the sun. 

Janet Lewis. Poems Old and New 1918-1978 Swallow Press, Ohio University Press, Chicago, IL, 1982, pp. 3 & 4